Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why Needles suck but Nurses don't

The other day I had to go get some blood work done.

I've had a lot of injections in my life as I was on daily growth hormone injections for four years.

Despite that, I really don't like needles. Daily exposure to them didn't make me unafraid unfortunately.

I was very nervous when I went in. I'm sure many of you feel the same way when you have to get blood taken.

Before this it had been maybe five years since I'd had a blood test.

Luckily the nurse who was drawing my blood seemed to realize I was nervous. I'm not sure if it was my shaking hands or the whiteness of my face that gave it away.

She was actually really nice. She asked me lots of questions about my life while she was looking for a vein.

I felt kind of bad because I have very small veins to go with my short stature and she was having a hard time finding one.

I gripped my phone like a vise and scrolled through Facebook while she was sticking me with the needle.

I didn't watch as I was kind of concerned I might faint if I actually saw the needle in my arm.

Luckily it only took a minute or two to take a vial.

I don't think I've ever been happier to not have a needle in my arm.

As she was writing my name on the blood. She told me we actually have the same birthday!

I think the fact that she made the effort to talk to me really helped. I walked out with a piece of candy and a new appreciation for nurses.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Five things that I try to do every day

So most people have their little routines every day. or at least Monday to Friday.

As an autistic person routines are incredibly important to me. They make me feel safe and secure.

It can be small things like making time to sing in my room. or going to the same place for lunch. By completeing my routine i help myself process the world so it isn't overwhelming and i get to do activities that i enjoy.

So here are five things that I try to do every day! feel free to let me know in the comments what kind of things you like to do in your routines.

1. Coffee. As soon as I'm presentable enough to speak to other people. So dressed, shoes on, hair brushed. Deodarant applied.

I don't think I need to explain this part of my routine to anyone. Except for those people who don't drink coffee. Which is fine. Live life how you want. But I and all the other coffee lovers out there will tell you that you are missing out on something wonderful.

2. Singing. I love to sing. It's probably as close to stimming as I get. I sing every day. I love it. it helps me release stress and calm down if I am upset.

3. Workouts. Our dog dash does try to prevent this by sitting on me while I'm working out but lately I have been trying to fit in a home workout every day. ok. maybe more like every other day.

It still counts.

4. Be kind. I try every day to be nice. Sometimes my anxiety makes me a bit grumpy but I try to be mindful of that.

I have to work extra hard at it some days. But I think If you are working at it people will notice and be happy that you are trying.

5. Smile. Lack of sleep and anxiety can make it hard to feel like smiling. But i think sometimes you have to fake it til you make it.

Even if i'm having the worst day ever i try to find something that will make me smile. My dog Dash is really funny and she helps me.

Friday, July 12, 2019


I apologize for the long hiatus that I took. I have had a difficult time. But I'm doing better now.

I came to the realization that my head was not being shared by three people, but by four. So in total there's currently five of us.

The others cannot control my body but they can speak to me and make their thoughts known. the current theory is they are parts of me that I perceive as other people in my head.

Sometimes I can't 'hear' anyone but I'm never alone. Sometimes it's hard to focus on what's happening in the real world because there can be a loud discussion, an argument or even multiple discussions happening in my head.

We have two male and three female voices including myself.

They have nothing to do with my Aspergers but one or two of them may be linked to my anxiety and depression.