Monday, May 23, 2016


I write every day, sometimes its a new project or it might be another chapter for an older project.

I do it because i have a.... i guess a need to put something on paper. To be creative in some way, to write something. Anything.

Maybe it won't be a job, maybe i'll be writing story after story for no one. But thats fine.

I'm not doing it for anyone, i'm doing it because like acting i cannot live without it. My life would not be anything.

I love to write, and i don't care if other people don't like what i write. I'm not doing it for them.

I wish Winter would leave

Winter just got here and i'm sick of it already. Its been nothing but rain, rain, and more rain.

At least in other parts of the world you might get some snow to look at. But we don't unfortunately.

We just get rain, wet, cold, constant rain... and my cat does not understand the concept of staying dry.

He comes inside soaking wet and smelling of wet cat... which has a smell by the way.

I can't wait for summer to come back... i need heat to survive.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What do I worry about?

Ah late night worries, or early morning worries, or every day all the time worries. Everyone has them but when you 'choose' to be a writer and maybe a one day published author you get your own special set.

Like, what if i finish? Now you'd think tat would be the goal to finish writing the book. But then you have these characters who you know inside out and who you are connected to, and suddenly you don't have them. Because your finished.

And then there's the What ifs. What if its stupid? What if no one likes it? What if i never get to publish it? What if my computer breaks?

Plus everyone knows that for every like a hundred hopeful writers hardly any actually get published. And even if you get published, there's no guarntee your book will sell.

I guess you just have to go along and hope that your worrying for nothing. Because its not like you can see the future.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Things I am looking forward to

Hey guys, so to give me a bit of a pick me up and something to refer back to later on if I need Motivating. I'm making a list of things I'm looking forward to, some of them may never happen, but a girl is allowed to dream.

1. The day my cat stops meowing, Every.Single.Night. I want him to relax and not Meow from 6pm until 9pm because he wants to go outside.

2. Supernova, and when I finally have my costume organized. As expensive as it will be, I'm getting something signed or a photo with Rubberninja, i do not care how many chores I have to do. or how big the line is.

3. When I make a coffee perfectly and don't put too much water in the cup.

4. The day that I never ever have to go into Centrelink again.

5. When I finish coloring in Severus Snape. Whose been a real pain in the butt to colour.

6. Turning 20, even though I do not want to be halfway to 40. At all.

7. Dying my hair back to red, because i love it when its that colour it looks great.

8. Mornings where I have a coffee and the cat and the dog are on my bed and its raining. Peaceful.

9. Getting to chapter 30 in my book.