Saturday, December 27, 2014

hey guys

Hey guys so i basically fell off the face of the blogging world for awhile because i'm not really the blog on a regular schedule type of person. Yeh no other excuses, sorry.

I was re reading some of my old fan fictions and thinking man am I awesome or what? when I realized its been like three months since i posted here.. oops!

In the last three months I have finished school, gotten Harper FINALLY! and discovered Watermelon cruisers.

I have read the first book of the Divergent series, lots of fan fictions, and lots of Facebook posts.

I have had really bad allergies caused by the flowers that all went hey it's Spring better start throwing our pollen in the air and make Raven's eyes swell shut and her nose run like crazy

I have watched the Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo movie like ten times on repeat because Cartoon Network refuses to replace the little kiddie version of it they are airing with the actual series.

Well thats basically whats happened lately in my life so i guess i better go.

Merry Christmaas blog readers!