Thursday, November 26, 2015

I can't adult

Ok i admit i suck at adulting. I cannot adult to save my life. I've only been a legal adult for two years and the HMAS Adult has hit the iceberg and sunk.

Some times i'm like this is the day i'm going to get my life together. I'm going to get a job, get an apartment, get a PS4 and a new laptop and life will be awsome.

Then there are the other days where i just want to sink into a puddle and watch youtubers for the rest of my life.

Think i might be getting a little to ambitious I mean Vlogging which is basically blogging except i have to show my ugly face to the world is an option. As a hobby.

I might dabble in games on my Vlog if i ever start one but first i'm going to need a camera and learn how to use it. I mean i know which end is the end that goes flash and which one isn't but my knowledge is very basic.

Still don't know what to do for a job though, not bad at reading, acting, and getting distracted. Yeh thats going to look so good on my resume.

Today has been good though i wrote myself a list and actually did all the things on it for once.

Even folded two baskets of washing which is so weird as i usually struggle to do one.

Imma go hunt down my kitty so i can brush his soft itty bitty kitty fur. Talk later guys.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Its interesting isn't it, how people have different ways of dealing with difficult times? Like my mum whenever she gets stressed or upset she always exercises and cleans and bakes until our house is full of cake and biscuits.

I guess she likes to be doing something useful and maybe it helps to release stress? I don't know but it definetly says something about how different we are.

When i'm going through a hard time or things are changing alot. I like to lose myself in something that is completely seperate from whatevers going on. Whether its reading or playing video games or performing. As long as i can leave whatever is going on behind for a bit.

I guess i just like to distance myself from stress, like when i was in year five and i had a pretty bad year. I just had my nose in a book for pretty much the entire year and now i can't even remember any of it because i spent so much time erasing those memories.

I think performing is probably my favourite way even though it can create stress anyway i feel like i can manage that. Nothing can ever compare to the feeling of being on stage. In high school i know somedays i only made it through because i had Drama last period.

I know that my mum doesn't approve of some of the things i like to spend my time on but then again i know that personality wise we are pretty different.

My idea of a holiday would be hanging at the hotel maybe going to a few restraunts to try the food out and chill at the pool. If there is like a comic-con on that might be like my one not at the hotel thing.

Mum likes to see and do as much as possible, she hates sitting around and doing nothing it drives her mad.

I respect her opinions, or at least try not to get to defensive when she expresses them because i know that even though i have different opinions it doesn't mean that either of us are wrong.

She wants whats best for me and maybe she wants me to be more like her and do stuff.

I'm ok if she wants to try but really i know what makes me happy and i'm going to hold onto those things no matter what she thinks of them.

One day you know i'll be living my life and she won't be making decisions for me and then i can enjoy doing everything that i love. I bet the world won't go up in flames because i bought myself a PS4 for my 21st or something.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Omg i am so excited! I'm going to finally see the last Hunger Games movie tonight! I love the books and the other movies so i'm really looking forward to it!

I loved part 1, loved it, so i'm expecting part 2 to be just as good. I'm glad i've read the books though so i know when all the scary parts are coming!

I'll probably do like a review post tomorrow and it should be a good review unless they deviate heaps from the book which is a pet peeve of mine for movies.

Anyway signing off the HMAS Blogand Stuff ttyl guys!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Working for nothing

I'm a volunteer i still have to work on rememberance day but i don't get paid... grr i really wanted to go to the rememberance day service!

I hope i'm not elbow deep in dishes when 11:00 rolls around.

Lest we forget

Monday, November 9, 2015

So very not awsome

"Grades and stuff don't matter as much as you think they do" said everybody ever so why do i have to do these stupid TAFE assingments?

Why did i sign up for the course in the first place? When was it ever a good idea? Then again as the calender on the back of my toilet door says.... ( yes i had to go look at the calender because i couldn't remember what it said)

Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted

I suppose that might be true when i signed up i thought it would be cool i was not wise like i am now and i didn't know it would actually not be for me.

I think i've had enough of school i enjoy learning about my interests and no matter how much a course sounds like its perfect for you there is always going to be stuff that your not good at, that you actually suck at and that kind of stuff is not for me.

I just want to have a job so i can get $$$ for an apartment and a PS4 and a new laptop. If i had all of that everything woulf be hunky dory ( probably not since you know life is never like that but anyway)

I'm going to go do something other then procastinate now (maybe) 

Wish me luck guys.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gaming blog... a good idea or a fail?

Ok ok ok ok, so i've been thinking very very hard lately about what i want to do. How i want to create my mark on the world, what i like and what i don't like.

I was thinking of doing youtube but as you guys know i've been having trouble with my laptop and i'm not really good in front of the camera anyway it tends to feel kind of awkward for me.

So i thought well i like writing but my novel isn't really going anywhere and i've always liked blogging so maybe i can do something with that.

This is just an idea at this point nothing is set in stone but even though i know i can't at the moment make a career out of games maybe it could still have a part of my life.

Career wise i'm tossing around youth work and a couple of other options but blog wise i may start a blog where i review the few games that i do have on the wii and on my laptop.

I would completely from scratch recreate my image on blogger. Nothing would change as far as this blog goes because i'll probably use one of my other accounts to help me manage things but it would give me something to look forward to and who knows where it will lead.

I'm actually excited about it which is strange for me... i'm going to have to calm down a bit before i get ahead of myself here.

I'm going to sign off with an update on how my fun time with Freddy went. Basically i turned on the game went into a new game was doing ok.

Then Freddy's ITS ME thing was flashing in my face and i panicked because i couldn't find Bonnie anywhere and i quitted like a little sissy. One day i shall face my fear and play straight through to the end of night Five.

Friday fun with Freddy and Friends!

Depending on where you live in this wonderful world of ours it might be thursday, or saturday. But in the lucky country it's FRIDAY!

I am looking forward to the weekend even though i have work tomorrow (which i don't get paid for.... sigh) I'm going to play wii and drink coffee and hang out with my sisters.

I know Wii's are old now but its all i have, i did used to have a Nintendo 64 which i think we sold which was a very bad decision. Seriously i regret it every day.

I have a Nintendo DSI but thats also old which is sad because i really enjoyed playing on it when i was a kid.

I've managed to get Five Nights at Freddy's on to Bob the Broken Mac. I know i'm very behind in the times since the game came out ages ago... but i couldn't pass it up.

I'm not bad at that game actually i just have four problems. Their names are Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy. Damn them always giving me heart attacks. They don't even have to move before i start panicking.

Anyway i'm going to go and see if i can figure out how Freddy keeps popping up in my room... I'm so not ready for Freddy!