Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What i wish people understood about Aspergers and Depression

As a 19 year old woman, a lot of things are expected of me. That I dress propery and drive a car and have a 9-5 job.

I also have Aspergers and often feel 'low' or depressed. These are the things i wish people would understand about it.

1. As someone with Aspergers I often don't know how to vocalize my feelings. I feel something and it gets me down but i don't know how to communicate it.

2. Even if I don't look depressed it doesn't mean that everything is magically fixed. Some days are better then others and i don't often allow what i feel to surface.

3. Some days, the fact that the only thing i did was have a shower and clean up the kitchen. Is an accomplishment. Because it took me an hour to get up out of bed.

4. sometimes i listen to same song over and over and over or ask the same question 5 times. I'm not being annoying, i'm anxious or looking for comfort in hearing your answer be the same over and over.

5. Even though your all so excited to get me a paying job, i struggle to share your joy. Because i just want to walk away from everything and curl up in a ball. Even though i know its wrong.

6 . Having Aspergers means i don't have many friends, but having depression means i need people asking me how i am and listening when i want to talk.


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