Sunday, December 20, 2015

Coming Out as Asexual

Yeh hey guys, LittleAsh here. I felt sort of kind of bad about brain spewing in my last post and not really explaining why or what exactly I was talking about.

I don't have any followers and basically nobody reads this and nobody important in my life will ever read this so I feel safe enough for this to be the very first time I have ever told this to anyone ever. Aren't you guys lucky that you get to be first!

So I am Asexual, and there are hundreds of ways to define Asexual but for me, and only for me I can't speak for anyone else, being Asexual means that I have no interest in sex. With anyone... ever. I don't want it at all. I just don't.

There is a huge spectrum of Asexuals and I only sit in my little spot on it so I'm not going to generalize I'm just talking about me.

I did think earlier last year that I might be Bisexual which I was fine with but the few people who I did come out to as Bi were just not okay with it at all.

So you know I bounced the who am I interested in? question around in my head for awhile before I realized that I am not interested in any gender in "that way". I still get crushes but as far as being physical with people I just... No thanks.

I haven't ever been physical with anyone but sexuality is about how you feel not about experiences so I'm sure that actually having experiences wouldn't change how I feel about it.

I am still interested in being in a relationship I just don't want a physical one. I will most likely have just limited my options of who I can go out with buts that fine with me. I feel like the only way I can be happy is if I am honest with both myself and others.

I am still in the closet in other areas of my life and will probably continue to be until I feel like I have some support in case things don't go well for me. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask.

Thank you to what readers I do have ( If I do have any)

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