When your different, no matter how hard you try and pretend your not, people figure it out.
I had an aid in class to help me once, i don't mean once as in one year or one term. I mean for literally one lesson and she didn't come again.
Still, the other kids knew what that meant. That there was something wrong with me, that i was different.
That girl who was really popular in school. She had Asthma but nobody cared. Whereas I had to sit in class and listen to the boys whispering "assburgers" behind me.
They never actually asked me if I had Aspergers, most of them didn't ever speak directly to me. They were right, but that didn't mean i liked it.
In the beginning i just wanted to be like everyone else, and when i realized i couldn't. I settled with wanting to be invisible.
I learned that if you stand a certain way people don't really see you. If they can't see you, they can't pick on you.
I used to look around the playground and i knew i didn't belong there. I just knew it. So i made friends with some of the other invisible kids.
There was one boy who i will never forget, he was so at ease with himself and he never cared what anyone else thought. One of his hands was deformed and he was missing a few fingers.
We used to sit together in the library and talk about Harry Potter. He was a few grades below me. But he had a much kinder heart then anyone in my year group.
He left the next year, which was good because where we lived would have ruined his kind heart. I don't know where he is now. But i won't forget his kindness. Ever.