Sunday, August 17, 2014

The disadvantages of changing high schools for year 12

When you graduate you can look back at all your memories at your time there and know that you are leaving with the same group of weirdoes you started with in year 8. Unless your me and you changed schools at the end of year 11 and you don't have any fond memories from past years to share with your peers.

Granted doing Year 12 in Port Hedland was unlikely to go well but when my classmates started talking about the phase the boys went through in year 9 of lighting anything and everything on fire I could join in because i was there when two boys managed to set the hair of a third boy on fire in maths.

However at this school i missed out on all that and now that we all have to fill out sheets for graduation on Our Favourite Memory from High School and i know people here won't understand that my favorite memory is recess in year 11 throwing mandarin fragments at my friend and accidentally getting some mandarin goop on her laptop and then running for my life when she tried to kill me. Laughing all the way.

What person here is going to get that? I'm pretty sure they would never think of wasting food let alone using it as amo to throw at your friend. Whereas someone from Hedland would so get that.

Whatever i guess i'll just write it on there and see what happens. I'm sure my answer will throw the head girl when she goes through the sheets tomorrow.

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