OMG, i haven't posted for ages! so sorry my readers but i've been pretty busy with life. For example I had my 18th birthday and my teachers gave me the birthday gift of drowning me in assignments because thats what teachers do especially in term three of year twelve.
Anyway my recent change of age aside i haven't really been doing a lot of partying. I'm not really the party type if i go to a party i'm always checking to make sure i'm being nice and not chatting anyones ears off and if they start to look like they are going to sleep i'm just like sorry, my aspergers is showing! ok not really but i think it. I should get a shirt with that on it that i can just wear to social events.
AND i got all these new books for my birthday and my grandpa went to the library with me so i have even more books! i'll tell you guys about the one i'm reading right now that is from the library. Its called FIRE STUDY and this is what the cover looks like...
Anyway technically i should be doing school stuff right now considering that i'm IN school right now so i guess i better go before my teacher comes to see what i'm doing!
Anyway my recent change of age aside i haven't really been doing a lot of partying. I'm not really the party type if i go to a party i'm always checking to make sure i'm being nice and not chatting anyones ears off and if they start to look like they are going to sleep i'm just like sorry, my aspergers is showing! ok not really but i think it. I should get a shirt with that on it that i can just wear to social events.
AND i got all these new books for my birthday and my grandpa went to the library with me so i have even more books! i'll tell you guys about the one i'm reading right now that is from the library. Its called FIRE STUDY and this is what the cover looks like...
and this is the blurb on the back of the book..
The apprenticeship is over- Now the real test has begun
When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder- able to capture and release souls- spreads like wildfire. People grow uneasy. Already, Yelena's unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the council debates Yelena's fate, she receives a disturbing message; a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer she has defeated before...
Honour sets Yelena on a path that will test the limit of her skills, and the hope of reuniting with her beloved spurs her onward. Her journey is fraught with allies, enemies, lovers, and would-be assassins, each of questionable loyalty. Yelena will have but one chance to prove herself- and save the land she holds dear.
Its the last of a three book trilogy and its YA. The first book is POISON STUDY and the second one is MAGIC STUDY!
Anyway technically i should be doing school stuff right now considering that i'm IN school right now so i guess i better go before my teacher comes to see what i'm doing!
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