Saturday, December 27, 2014

hey guys

Hey guys so i basically fell off the face of the blogging world for awhile because i'm not really the blog on a regular schedule type of person. Yeh no other excuses, sorry.

I was re reading some of my old fan fictions and thinking man am I awesome or what? when I realized its been like three months since i posted here.. oops!

In the last three months I have finished school, gotten Harper FINALLY! and discovered Watermelon cruisers.

I have read the first book of the Divergent series, lots of fan fictions, and lots of Facebook posts.

I have had really bad allergies caused by the flowers that all went hey it's Spring better start throwing our pollen in the air and make Raven's eyes swell shut and her nose run like crazy

I have watched the Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo movie like ten times on repeat because Cartoon Network refuses to replace the little kiddie version of it they are airing with the actual series.

Well thats basically whats happened lately in my life so i guess i better go.

Merry Christmaas blog readers!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

down the hole

i've fallen into a hole and it is really dark down here. It dark and scary and i don't want to be here! i feel like i want to cry all the time but nothing will come out. So i've found another way of expressing my pain that doesn't make me feel empty in fact its the opposite for a few minutes i can feel my pain for real instead of feeling nothing,

Thursday, September 18, 2014


It's friday again and almost the holidays! i am going to spend the holidays getting ready for graduation and preparing to welcome our kitten who will be coming home soon. The kittens name will be Harper she's a Ragdoll cat so she will be cute and furry.

This is a Ragdoll [ not Harper]

I can't wait for her to come home! i'm going to set up all the stuff she needs and i've already bought all these cool toys for her to play with! I'm going to let her sleep on my bed and she can lie in the sun and sunbathe!

I am going to get a haircut so that i look nice for graduation and i'm going to buy some new books on my kindle!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Out Of My Mind

Its friday again! yay! my weeks being ok considering its school it hasn't sucked much. I borrowed some new books from the library and my favorite is Out Of My Mind by Sharon Draper.  It's really good its about a girl with Cerebal Palsy named Melody.

The blurb is: Eleven year old Melody has a photographic memory. Her head is like a video camera that is always recording. Always. And there's no delete button. She's the smartest kid in her school- but NO ONE knows it. 

Most people- her teachers and doctors included- don't think she's capable of learning, and up until recently her school days consisted of listening to the same preschool -level alphabet lessons again and again and again.  If only she could speak up, if only she could tell people what she thinks and knows. But she can't. She can't talk. She can't walk. She can't write.

Being stuck inside her head is making Melody go out of her mind - that is, until she discovers something that will allow her to speak for the first time ever. At last Melody has a voice... But not everyone around her is ready to hear it.
This is the cover

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A timeline of High school

You guys are probably getting sick of posts about school but with two weeks left of year Twelve I can't help being a little nostalgic. So I've decided to do a little timeline about what i was like in every year of high school. If I lived somewhere else high school would have started in year 7 but where i live it starts in year 8 until the end of this year when year 7 will become the start of high school.

Year 8- My first year of high school and the year when i, like many year 8s, thought I was top dog and that i ruled the school. Which as a year 12 i know was not true in any way. This was the year i did some really stupid things including sliding under the school fence and going to caltex and then coming back with a bag full of lollies.

Year 9- this was the year i realized year 8s are really annoying and so are assignments. I spent a lot of time trading the lollies i got from caltex for 'blood capsules' which were these little pills that you chewed up with water in your mouth to make it look like there was blood coming out of your mouth.

Year 10- i got smarter and also no longer was small enough to slide under the fence so caltex lost its appeal. Discovered black market within the school of gum selling and would meet sellers at lunch in secluded areas of the playground in order to buy chewing gum. Boys in my year discovered loose man hole lid and discovered they could fit in it. Thus they spent a lot of time exploring the schools drainage and likely caused some damage to it.

Year 11- Man hole lid was welded shut so boys had to move on to playing footy with balls of sticky tape that were really annoying but didn't hurt if they hit you. Discovered year 11 drama is way bad and that our school could have had its own soap opera about all the drama. Also learned it was a bad idea to tell boys that you want to be a leading seaman at cadets due to the dirtiness of teenage boy brains.

Year 12- moved schools, read a lot of books, ate a lot of noodles. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Chewing gum is my saviour, i don't know why but lately the smell of some foods or even the thought of them has made me gag. Also walking into the common room and walking through the crowd to my locker. This afternoon the idea of having to take the very crowded bus to the shops is giving me that urge too, There have been some close calls where i have had to work very hard to keep my breakfast which doesn't consist of much since baked beans and eggs are two of the foods i can't even look at right now.

If i didn't take every shopping opportunity to purchase chewing gum that i could eat to stop myself vomiting i would probably have been throughly embarrassed by now. Still at least its friday and after drama i am going to eat and sleep and not leave my bed until either the dog wakes me with her barking or the light coming in through my blinds that don't really work annoys me enough that i decide to get up.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The disadvantages of changing high schools for year 12

When you graduate you can look back at all your memories at your time there and know that you are leaving with the same group of weirdoes you started with in year 8. Unless your me and you changed schools at the end of year 11 and you don't have any fond memories from past years to share with your peers.

Granted doing Year 12 in Port Hedland was unlikely to go well but when my classmates started talking about the phase the boys went through in year 9 of lighting anything and everything on fire I could join in because i was there when two boys managed to set the hair of a third boy on fire in maths.

However at this school i missed out on all that and now that we all have to fill out sheets for graduation on Our Favourite Memory from High School and i know people here won't understand that my favorite memory is recess in year 11 throwing mandarin fragments at my friend and accidentally getting some mandarin goop on her laptop and then running for my life when she tried to kill me. Laughing all the way.

What person here is going to get that? I'm pretty sure they would never think of wasting food let alone using it as amo to throw at your friend. Whereas someone from Hedland would so get that.

Whatever i guess i'll just write it on there and see what happens. I'm sure my answer will throw the head girl when she goes through the sheets tomorrow.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

So hot and not

Wow two posts in one week i think thats some kind of record for me! however continuing my tradition of taking time in TAFE to post here I will tell you all whatever news i didn't already mention.

I'm still reading Fire Study which is so good! if you haven't read the series you so should! The main characters lover Valek is so awesome and he sounds pretty hot from what Yelena says. He's the kind of illegal bridge between two warring nations Ixia and Sitia. He doesn't always have the interests of both nations at heart though as he is the Commander of Ixia's personal assassin.

Anyway enough about Valek as amazing as he is. When or IF Maria V snyder signs a movie deal for the Study series she better choose someone good to play Valek who will do his character justice.

I viewed the Vampire Academy movie during the school holidays which i was very excited about since i've read the whole series but i was disappointed because Dimitri wasn't half as hot as i imagined he would be and the whole movie was kind of a flop with all the stuff they missed out.

I know movies are never as good as the book but one day i'd like to see a movie that comes close. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


OMG, i haven't posted for ages! so sorry my readers but i've been pretty busy with life. For example I had my 18th birthday and my teachers gave me the birthday gift of drowning me in assignments because thats what teachers do especially in term three of year twelve.

Anyway my recent change of age aside i haven't really been doing a lot of partying. I'm not really the party type if i go to a party i'm always checking to make sure i'm being nice and not chatting anyones ears off and if they start to look like they are going to sleep i'm just like sorry, my aspergers is showing! ok not really but i think it. I should get a shirt with that on it that i can just wear to social events.

AND i got all these new books for my birthday and my grandpa went to the library with me so i have even more books! i'll tell you guys about the one i'm reading right now that is from the library. Its called FIRE STUDY and this is what the cover looks like...

and this is the blurb on the back of the book..

The apprenticeship is over- Now the real test has begun

When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder- able to capture and release souls- spreads like wildfire. People grow uneasy. Already, Yelena's unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the council debates Yelena's fate, she receives a disturbing message; a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer she has defeated before...

Honour sets Yelena on a path that will test the limit of her skills, and the hope of reuniting with her beloved spurs her onward. Her journey is fraught with allies, enemies, lovers, and would-be assassins, each of questionable loyalty. Yelena will have but one chance to prove herself- and save the land she holds dear.

Its the last of a three book trilogy and its YA. The first book is POISON STUDY and the second one is MAGIC STUDY!

Anyway technically i should be doing school stuff right now considering that i'm IN school right now so i guess i better go before my teacher comes to see what i'm doing!

Friday, July 18, 2014

sinking into a puddle of letters

i have to write tonight because when i look at my arms and legs i don't see skin i see letters. What those letters spell i'll keep to myself but i feel like they are on me and in me. I am them and they are me. I can't do anything about them but they make my chest feel tight.

i guess they've been there for a while but tonight is the first time i really noticed them and felt their crushing weight pinning me to the ground. I could melt into a puddle of letters and never rise again if they get any heavier so i'm going to go to bed and hope they are lighter in the morning.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


I have had it with the boys in my TAFE class they are soooooo annoying! seriously! i know boys are the missing link between man and ape but you would think they would have started growing up by now!

ok rant over its nearly the end of the day and its friday so i can chill for the weekend.

Glee season 5 started on Foxtel and i was so excited! and then i nearly passed out when Blaine proposed to Kurt because it was so magical! and amazing! and i can't believe it!

The other day i tried to make a curry rice bake thing for dinner but the stove was being stupid so we ended up with maccas instead which wasn't a bad thing but it would have been cool if i could have made the stove work.

got some science homework for this weekend yay! ok not really but i guess i have to do it.

lets end today with a random fact: did you know a toilet flushes in the key of E flat?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

hello again

hi again people

sorry i haven't been around much this week but i was sick and didn't feel like posting...

Anyway it is Friday once again and its a looooong weekend! time to chill out and paint or something.

I like painting its fun, my kind of painting is abstract because it doesn't end up looking like what its supposed to look like but if you say its abstract then it doesn't matter. I like painting cats i'm not very good at painting them but i like it.

Today i took one of my favorite books to TAFE. Sometimes when you get all your work done at TAFE the teacher lets you read.

The book i bought is a warriors book, its called A Dangerous Path.

This is what the cover looks like, its pretty awesome, the blurb of the book is:

Fire Alone Can Save Our Clan..

Shadowclan has a dark new leader but will he be satisfied with his power now- or does his desire for revenge burn even more strongly? Fireheart fears that there is a connection between the rise of Tigerstar and the terrible dreams of danger that haunt his nights.
Meanwhile a mysterious threat has invaded the forest, placing every cats life in peril. Firehearts beloved leader has turned her back on their warrior ancestors, and Fireheart can't help but wonder if she's right.
Has Starclan abandoned them forever?

Its the fifth book in the first series of Warriors. If you wanted to read the series i'd start with Into The Wild or you won't really understand whats going on. The ending is really sad but its one of my favorite books from the first series.

Anyway long story short I should probably go do my TAFE stuff and, yeh, bye.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


i'm at TAFE right now, yippee! actually its not that bad gave in all my assignments last week so only have one at the moment. Also its Friday! TGIF! TGIF!

I have drama tonight so i get to go have fun for a couple of hours with the other awesome slightly insane people who do it with me!

If you've never been in a room with people sword fighting and pretending to die VERY loudly your missing out it is hilarious! anyway should probably stop procrastinating and do some work! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

an introduction and some random thoughts

I think this blog should start with an introduction because that's how everything starts in some way or another. Even big things like the sun and the moon probably got introduced to each other before they started taking turns in the sky.

I'm Raven, or at least that's the name I'm giving myself while I'm talking to all you people out there. Not that I think your bad or anything. Its just in case some of you might be.

So I think i'll start with a list of the random stuff I thought today.

1. Clouds kind of look like waves, especially when they are so gray they look blue and they are towering over your town like they are going to come crashing down on you with all this rain and you have to run through it to get on your bus [ which I had to do today] and your all like YOLO and you don't even take out your umbrella.

2. My friend cleaned her room and she had 11 empty cans of coke in there... 11 geez that a lot of sugar. AND when she showed me a picture I nearly died of amazement because you could actually see the floor of her room! and I was like no way its the floor!

3. Ok so yesterday this random old lady sat next to me on the bus and today some random old man sat next to me on the bus and he had these super thick dark sunglasses. I was kind of looking but trying not to look like I was looking and I was like is this guy blind or does he just look blind because of his super thick sunglasses? Then I realized he probably wasn't blind and he just didn't know that those sunnys make him look blind. Why would someone by a pair of sunnys like that?

ok random thought thing over... For now
Farewell my people!