Sunday, February 21, 2016

Funny things about my Ragdoll

My Ragdoll cat Harley Davidson is definetly a cat with a big personality. So i decided today to make a list of the things I think are funny about my boy.

1. He is so so loud!

Harley doesn't know what the word 'quiet' means. Even steriotypically Ragdolls are a quiet breed Harley did not get the memo. He is always chatting to me.

He 'brrps' when he jumps on my bed and he 'mrows' when he demands to be fed. If i'm in the shower and don't leave the door open so he can come watch he 'MAOWS' until i let him in.

All day every day Harley makes noise. Even the people who works at the Kennel he stays at when i go away said he 'talks' to them alot.

2. He likes Baths.

Harley actually doesn't mind having a bath. Ragdolls are known for their interest in water. Harley displays this by running to watch me have a shower every day and actually tolerating a bath when he needs one.

3. Hes changing colour!

Harley is brown on top of his head and white underneath. But the brown has gotten lighter since he was a kitten and his ears are striped where the fur is still changing colour.

Ragdolls take up to four years to fully mature so in a year or two who knows what Harley will look like. In the meantime hes my chocolate coloured kitty.

4. He sucks and kneads.

Harley has a cat bed that hes had since he was a kitten. Before he goes to sleep in it he grabs it between his teeth, kneads and purrs up a storm.

This behaviour is usually seen in kitties who were taken to early from their mothers. Harley was tweleve weeks when we got him so the origin of this behaviour is a mystery to us.

It is funny though to see this big adult sized Ragdoll sucking on his bed with his eyes closed.

5. Hes nocturnal

This a cat thing no matter what the breed but Harley sleeps all day and then the moment i go to bed hes awake.

He used to sleep in my room but after he kept waking me up to play he's been moved to the laundry where he can play without waking anyone up.

If he hears someone get up to go to the loo he starts "MAOWing" to tell them that he is not happy about being in the laundry and demands freedom.

This stops after said person goes back to bed.

So there you have it. Harley is a big cat with a big personality! Also hes weird. But they say pets are like their owners.

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