Wednesday, April 29, 2015


This is going to sound stupid, but i am proud that i got hit on today by some random guy at TAFE. It's probably not something most people would consider a good thing but it's not something that happens to me very often.

For once I don't feel dumb, I know that i've still got a truckload of assignments i have to do that i haven't done yet. I know that my future is murky at best and that the next few years will be the hardest of my life but I have been uplifted by watching The Flash and the way Barry Allen throws everything he has at the obstacles he faces.

So even if life throws so many obstacles at me that i need super speed like Barry's to keep up with it i'll at least give it a go. Because that's what Barry would do... and he's so awesome why wouldn't you want to be like him?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Life has been ok lately, which is an improvement to the past definitely. There is one good thing about doing a TAFE certificate which is that it gives you something to do and sometimes your so busy you don't have time to think.

I've been struggling a little this month emotionally but i've had lots of performances to give me something to look forward to so thats been a real help with everything. I don't think I would cope very well without that way of venting.

My kitten is getting bigger and bigger every day and she is very cute. If she would learn not to lie on Mummys airway that would be good but small steps are fine until the day i choke to death on cat fur.

I wish I had more to tell you guys, but my life isn't really that exciting though if your reading this you must disagree at least to some extent.